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1475350provjera kolačićaRemont Anthema će potrajati neko vrijeme i uključit će obožavatelje, kaže BioWare
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Remont Anthema će potrajati neko vrijeme i uključit će obožavatelje, kaže BioWare

Way back on February 10th, 2020, Casey Hudson — BioWare’s general manager — noted that Himna bilo bi re-invented in the coming months. Well, according to a new blog post, EA and BioWare have a team that’s currently working on fixing content for Himna.

Svi znamo da je Himna has its fair share of problems, but as of now, BioWare is working on reviving Himna to save it from its current state by forming a team of 30 developers to help the game’s incubation process.

For those of you unaware as to what an incubation process is, it’s a term used in development to refer to a team going back and trying different methods to improve on faulty game mechanics/systems.

This information comes from Christian Dailey — BioWare studio director (Austin office). Dailey details what milestone number his team is on and the perks of a small team via blog.bioware.com:

“My name is Christian, and I am the Studio Director for the BioWare Austin office that is leading the production of what we are exploring NEXT for Anthem. NICE TO MEET YOU!

The Anthem incubation team has kicked off and we are starting to validate our design hypotheses. […] We are a small team – about 30-ish, earning our way forward as we set out to hit our first major milestone goals. Spoiler – this is going to be a longer process. And yes, the team is small but the whole point of this is to take our time and go back to the drawing board. And a small team gives us the agility a larger one can’t afford.”

Dailey continues:

“Stvarno želimo da ovo iskustvo bude drugačije za momčad i naše igrače, ali znamo da imamo neke teške izazove s kojima se moramo uhvatiti u koštac. Želimo vas uključiti dok idemo i biti otvoreni i iskreni s time gdje se nalazimo i kakva su očekivanja s obzirom na to kamo idemo. Stvarnost je takva da ćete vidjeti stvari koje izgledaju sjajno, ali završe na podu sobe za rezanje ili stvari za koje mislite da su sranje i na koje mislite da trošimo previše vremena – ali u duhu eksperimentiranja ovo je sve u redu. Stvarno vam želimo pružiti svu moguću transparentnost zbog vaše strasti i interesa za Anthem. Ali, uz to dolazi i vidjeti kako se kobasica pravi – što usput nije uvijek lijepo.”

In other words, fans can offer feedback while expecting more info from Dailey and his team through future updates. On the topic of fans being involved with himna je development, Dailey wants to post art, blogs, and “comms” to interact with the community in an attempt to be more transparent:

“We also want to start putting together some regular comms out to everyone to show/talk about these changes and our progress. This blog is one example, but we also want to include you in more of the day to day and hopefully get you some real interactions with the team. These updates could come in the form of an ad-hoc live stream, or some cool concept art posted on social media, or the occasional feed of me curled up in a ball crying in the corner…”

So what does this all mean? It means that the act of exploring the “NEXT” step for Himna is in full swing as well as the game’s incubation process. All of this is expected to take “a long time.”

U međuvremenu, Himna dostupan je za preuzimanje odmah na PC-u, PS4 i Xbox One.

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