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1520920provjera kolačićaCasey Hudson kaže da Anthem neće utjecati na napredak Dragon Agea ili Mass Effecta

Casey Hudson kaže da Anthem neće utjecati na napredak Dragon Agea ili Mass Effecta

It seems as if misinformation or some form of “weird” allegations surrounding BioWare’s future games have surfaced according to the company’s general manager Casey Hudson. Hudson attempts to pave the roadmap moving forward that BioWare will not make future installments of Dragon Age i Mass Effect titles exactly like Himna.

Last month, Hudson said that he heard fans “loud and clear” regarding new Dragon Age i Mass Effect games. The blog post made mention that the team knows of “interest” in the two series and will expand on them moving forward.

It’s worth noting that the “teams hidden away” working on “some secret stuff” related to Dragon Age i Mass Effect aren’t ready for public revealing just yet and will be elaborated on later:

“Da – jasno i glasno čujemo interes da BioWare radi više na Dragon Ageu i Mass Effectu, stoga budite uvjereni da imamo neke timove skrivene koji rade na nekim tajnim stvarima za koje mislim da će vam se jako svidjeti – jednostavno nismo spremni razgovarati o bilo čemu od toga nakratko..."

You can read the full update post on blog.bioware.com. However, some “weird stuff going around” must have been kicked-up afterward about how the team’s future games being influenced by Himna je istina.

To correct that, Hudson took to Twitter and noted that Dragon Age games will always dig up the roots that made them the titles that dedicated fans know and love which the same concept applies to Mass Effect:

To summarize the last tweet, he’s basically saying that anything that is to be taken away from himna je development is game design and how to create a development pipeline that’s efficient — even if game design and tools are constantly changing.

With all of that said, do you think BioWare will be able to bring back stuff that made a series like Mass Effect a hit? Or do you think their future games will be like Anthem?

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