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1566690provjera kolačićaPrincess Maker 3: Faery Tales Come True HD Editon sada dostupan na Switchu, Steamu

Princess Maker 3: Faery Tales Come True HD Editon sada dostupan na Switchu, Steamu

If you missed out on the original Princess Maker 3: Faery Tales Come True way back in 1997 when it first came out for Sony’s PSX, don’t sweat it… there’s an opportunity to catch up on the long lost nostalgia-themed JRPG courtesy of CFK.

The game has been re-released on Steam for PC and digitally on the Nintendo eShop for the Nintendo Switch for $29.99. The game sees players taking on the role of guiding their princess from a youth up until adulthood, shaping and molding nearly every aspect of her life.

You’ll take part in classes at the academy, learn self-defense, become one with nature, or even attempt to stretch your legs as a dancer.

Možete dobiti uvid u to kakav je gameplay s najavom za lansiranje ispod.

Stvoritelj princeza was a series tackling the slice-of-life genre not unlike Natsune’s Mjesec žetve games, only there was far more role-playing and mini-games present in the Stvoritelj princeza series, as it focused more on the development of a single character over the course of many years.

The highlight of the games is that the decisions you make for the princess while she’s young will help shape the integrity of her character when she finally reaches 18.

This sort of experimental take on child-raising has made the series quite popular with gamers who like the idea of raising a young girl into a respectable waifu.

The updated version features HD assets, support for HD resolutions, an arranged version of the soundtrack, and quality of life improvements for the controls and user interface both on home consoles and PC.

I know some people aren’t keen on supporting Steam due to Valve’s taste policing, but if you did want to pick up a digital copy on PC you can do so over on the Parna trgovine.

Also, be sure to get the one on Steam labeled as the “True HD Remake” and not the original Princess Maker 3: Faery Tales Come True, which is a port over of the original 1997 edition and it’s not in HD.

Alternatively, you can grab a copy of the game for the Nintendo Switch from over on the Nintendo eShop.

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