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1568690provjera kolačićaHalf-Life 1 HD Fan Remake, Black Mesa: Xen, javna beta sada dostupna

Half-Life 1 HD Fan Remake, Black Mesa: Xen, javna beta sada dostupna

Crowbar Collective’s HD remake of Half-Life 1 zvan Crna Mesa, is now feature complete and currently the public beta version of Crna mesa: Xen is available for play-testing right now for those who own an Early Access copy of the original Crna Mesa na Steam.

Vijest je dostupna preko na Stranica zajednici pare, where the developers revealed that they’ve finally finished the game and are beta testing it before graduating Crna Mesa out of Early Access and into full grown digital adulthood.

You can opt into the beta if you already own the game by going to your library, right-clicking on the Crna Mesa entry, and clicking on “Properties”.

Scroll over to the “Betas” tab and select the “Public Beta” from the drop-down menu. From there you’ll be able to play all of Crna Mesa od početka do kraja.

Obviously, if you encounter any game-breaking bugs, or progress-halting glitches, be sure to drop by the forums and mention it to the developers or hop into the review section and point out what the problems were that you encountered so that Crowbar Collective can get the issues fixed as soon as possible.

They’ve already fixed tons of bugs so far, as indicated in the beta release notes.

A lot of the major hiccups and rough edges are being addressed or smoothed out right now. So hopefully the public beta won’t stay in beta for long and they’ll roll out the final version soon enough and have Crna Mesa graduated from Early Access like a champ. It’s been straddling that developmental line for some time now (since May 5th 2015 to be exact) and it looks like the finish line is finally in view.

Možete saznati više o Crna Mesa or pick up a digital copy from the Parna trgovine za $ 19.99

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