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1572520provjera kolačićaEverspace 2 postigao cilj Kickstartera
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Everspace 2 postigao cilj Kickstartera

With the clock running down it did not look as if Everspace 2 was going to achieve its funding goal. With mere hours left to go in their kampanja they were able to finally cross the 500,000 euro threshold achieving a successful campaign. At its conclusion the campaign achieve 503,578 euro, a figure only slightly higher than their initial goal. To say their campaign cut it close is an understatement. Though it is not unusual for campaigns to cut it this close with their established reputation and demo nearly ready to go out this was a surprisingly close campaign.

Though it never was a question of whether this game was going to be made or not. The entire campaign was to achieve early financing, but to additionally engage their community in the development process. Whether the campaign succeeded or not the game is scheduled to come out in Early Access in early 2020. With the backer build being dispatched to backers before year’s end.

The game will remain in Early Access through 2020 and leave in the second half of 2021. Notably the campaign was famous for its stance against the Epic Game Store, which garnered the developers a lot of good will from consumers. Determined to ensure it was on the record the developers would iterated their commitment to a steam release in both the campaign and an interview with Industrija igara.


Description (compiled)


EVERSPACE 2 is a fast-paced single-player space shooter with deep exploration, tons of loot, classic RPG elements for PC (Windows, Mac, Linux) and console (PS4 and XB1). Set in a persistent open world, it is driven by a captivating sci-fi story, picking up shortly after the events of the predecessor. An approximately 20-hour-long campaign and various side missions will lead you into the endgame. Prepare yourself to beat the most vicious encounters, and master difficult challenges that will reward you with that juicy epic loot!


>persistent open world
>over 100 locations to explore
>20 hour campaign with sidequests
>classic genre rpg features
>Looter elements
>customizable ships
>perk system

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