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1489780provjera kolačićaHaven Trailer kombinira Synth-Chillstep s klizanjem u slobodnoj formi i naizmjeničnom borbom

Haven Trailer kombinira Synth-Chillstep s klizanjem u slobodnoj formi i naizmjeničnom borbom

The Game Bakers’ next big gig is a completely different sort of game from Furi, the 3D hack-and-slash, boss-run title that took home consoles and PC by storm back in 2016. Luka is an open-world, sandbox exploration game themed around resource gathering, free-form gliding, and turn-based combat.

The romance tale follows two star-crossed lovers, Yu and Kay, as they flee from their home world in pursuit of peace on a foreign and dangerous planet. They attempt to settle down for good, which means clearing out some of the baddies, researching some of the natural resources, and attempting to forget the past.

You can check out the two and a half minute trailer below, which is expertly paced to some cool synthetic chillwave music to match the colorful art-style and alien world.

The first half of the trailer sets up the two lovers journeying to the planet, going outside to collect materials and using the free-form flight mechanic to quickly venture around the planet using the anti-gravity boots.

In between these clips we see some visual novel-style storytelling unfolding between Yu and Kay, where players get to decide how the relationship unfolds between the two over the course of the game. This also directly ties into the game, where we later see the duo going head-to-head against monsters in the turn-based battle sequences, ala classic Final Fantasy stil.

The combat is a little bit different from other JRPGs, though, because you can actually use the powers of the main characters to subdue enemies without killing them, which is a neat feature.

Haven - Fields

Obviously, though, the developer’s politics seem to have seeped through in the art direction for the characters. While the female lead is designed to actually look like a female, the interracial relationship is definitely conspicuous beyond all reasonable doubt.

Nevertheless, if the politics are kept to a minimum and the gameplay is as solid as The Game Bakers’ previous outing, Furi, then they might have another sleeper hit on their hands when Luka releases in 2020 for PS4, Nintendo Switch, and on PC.

Više o igri možete saznati ako pogledate Parna stranica, where you can scope out the trailers, screenshots and gameplay features.

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