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1485560provjera kolačićaRyozo Tsujimoto kaže da Capcom ne odustaje od stvaranja novih igara i franšiza

Ryozo Tsujimoto kaže da Capcom ne odustaje od stvaranja novih igara i franšiza

Are you looking forward to new games from Capcom? Well, if so, the company isn’t ruling that notion out despite success from remakes and re-releases. In a new interview, Capcom’s managing corporate officer, Ryozo Tsujimoto, says the team is not giving up on the idea of creating new characters and games.

Last year we reported that Capcom expects to follow up on remakes and re-releases later down the line due to Resident Evil 2 reception (among its other games too) and plans on continuing the move into the foreseeable future.

In addition to the above, this was later confirmed by Capcom when it showed interest in making new games based on two older titles (via tweets) under its portfolio. The two games happen to be that of Dino kriza i Onimusha.

Premotajte do kraja lipnja 2019., a mi učimo s web stranice videogameschronicle.com via an interview with Capcom’s managing corporate officer, Tsujimoto, that among remakes and re-releases there will be new games and franchises to come moving forward:

"Ne odustajemo od ideje stvaranja novih likova i serija, samo nam trenutno ide prilično dobro s donošenjem novih, svježih pristupa našim postojećim serijama."

Tsujimoto je nastavio i saopćio web stranici sljedeće informacije:

"To nam jako dobro ide [donošenje novih pristupa postojećim serijama], ali nikada nećemo skidati pogled s stvaranja originalnih igara u budućnosti."

So there you have it, not only is Capcom focused on bringing old games out of the 20th century into the 21st century, new games will accompany them too. The real question behind all of this is, will they be noteworthy games that avoid current year trends and leave behind mobile game tactics and stuff or no?

While we ponder on that query, you can hit up videogameschronicle.com to read the full write up regarding Tsujimoto and Capcom.

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