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1481580provjera kolačićaR-Type Final 2 Kickstarter premašuje 800,000 dolara za PS4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, PC izdanje

R-Type Final 2 Kickstarter premašuje 800,000 dolara za PS4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, PC izdanje

Granzella Inc’s R-tipični 2 crowdfunding campaign on Kickstarter turned out to be a startling success. It has only hours left to go as of the writing of this article, but they already managed to accrue more than $800,000 over the shot run on the crowdfunding platform.

The $800,000 achievement means that Granzella can include South Korean, Taiwanese, and Chinese subtitles, as well as language support for French, Italian, German, and Spanish, as well as make the Ghost function available during gameplay, and reproduce two stages from R-Type Final i R-tip delta.

Kao što je navedeno u Sankaku kompleks, Granzella managed to get the license from Irem Software Engineering, the rights holders of R-Type, and work on creating R-tipični 2 for home consoles and PC. You can check out the pitch video below to get an idea of what the side-scrolling shoot-’em-up is like.

As mentioned in the pitch video, the game started off as an old arcade title in the late 1980s, and continued to build up a sizable following throughout the ages on home consoles and arcades, rounding out its last canonical release on the PS2 back in the early aughts.

Granzella wants to revive the franchise with a brand new entry in the R-Type franchise by introducing more than just another entry in the side-scrolling shooter genre, they also decided to upgrade the gameplay with all new ship customization features, You can now personalize and outfit the ships the way you want.

They showcased some of the ship designs in a separate video that you can check out below.

They also released a second trailer giving gamers more of an in-depth look at the 16:9 widescreen HD support, and the opening cinematic that you briefly see in the pitch video at the top of the article. It outlines the general gist of the story, as well as gives gamers a firsthand look at what sort of design approach Granzella is taking with their newest iteration of the R-Type Serija.

You can check out the two minute video below featuring some intense, fast-paced fusion techno music and some of the enemy designs you’ll face off against.

If you want to contribute to the cause you can do so by visiting the Kickstarter stranica to help push further towards the next stretch goal.

Otherwise, so long as nothing stupid happens and they don’t become an Epic Games Store exclusive, expect to see R-tipični 2 on the PS4, Nintendo Switch, Xbox One, and PC by December, 2020.

(Hvala za savjet za vijesti Wondy Bergers)

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