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Novi projekt Persona 5 konačno otkriven u najavnom najavnom izdanju

The long-teased next Osoba project has finally been revealed by Atlus in a trailer that leaves us with more questions than answers. At the very least, now we know that the game’s real name is Persona 5: the Royal.

Rumors have kružio for a while now that Atlus was working on something Osoba related, though it wasn’t clear if it was going to be a new game in the series or one of their updated takes on a recent classic, just like they did with persona 3 i persona 4. We’re actually still not clear on that, even following today’s video teaser finally showing off the game’s name.

The above trailer ran at the end of an anime special based on the persona 5 universe called “Stars and Ours.” In it, we see all kinds of familiar persona 5 imagery coupled with scenes of a young woman hanging out at Shibuya Crossing. It’s pouring, but she doesn’t have an umbrella. Also, if you noticed the pin on her jacket, it looks like this new character is a first-year student at the same university featured in the standard persona 5.

According to a translation from Gematsu, the woman is asked what the thinks about the first game’s Phantom Thieves and she responds by saying she doesn’t think they’re actually doing much to help the world. She goes on to add that she feels “you can only solve that yourself.” So it sounds like she isn’t too fond of the previous game’s protagonists, but maybe she’s interested in achieving their same goals on her own?

All we really know for certain is that the trailer states this is going to be an RPG and that the PlayStation 4 logo is the only one on display. We also learn that more information will be provided on April 24, which is the first day of a Osoba-themed concert series being hosted in Tokyo.

So which would you prefer, readers? A new game set in the persona 5 universe, or an updated version of the original persona 5 with a bunch of new content thrown in?

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