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1467870provjera kolačićaNajava za Borderlands 3 otkriva lebdeća vozila, pokretne mehanizme i hodajuće puške

Najava za Borderlands 3 otkriva lebdeća vozila, pokretne mehanizme i hodajuće puške

Gearbox Software and 2K Games officially unveiled Prigraničja 3 with a livestream and a trailer. We see a couple of familiar faces, plenty of throwback references to the previous games, and a look at aomse of the new vault hunter classes.

The vehicular, four-player first-person action shooter returns with a few new areas, a story, and locations. The new villains this time around seem to be an emo couple, but knowing Gearbox they’re probably siblings as a nod to Anthony and Ashly Burch. We see some of the new enemies you’ll face off against, including robot variants, psycho bandits, and even some dinosaur-themed enemies. Some of the new locations look kind of spiffy, too, like the cyberpunk city that briefly gets teased for all but a couple of seconds.

You can check out the near four minute trailer below, featuring a lot of familiar faces from the last two games, including Lilith, Mordecai, Brick, Tiny Tina, and Marcus Kincaid. Oh, and of course the return of 4-player cooperative FPS action.

The trailer reveals that there are new weapons and utilities for players to utilize, including portable turrets, walking turrets, and mechs. Yes, it appears as if someone will have the ability to call in mechs to help out during a fight. There appears to be a lot of memes in the trailer, including a nod to Gearbox’s own Stranac: Colonial Marines, which I’m curious how they’ll handle.

The guns aren’t really prominently showcased in the trailer, but it looks like a lot of returning favorites will be available, along with a few new variants, but again, even though the trailer promised a billion guns we didn’t really get to see them showcased, or rather what they’ll be able to do.

We also get to see some new vehicles on display, including some new hover vehicles that appear to use floating pads. If they can take you across areas that typically can’t be traversed, like water or chasms, then that would be pretty cool, but I tend to doubt that.

Anyway, given Gearbox’s legal troubles there’s really no telling if this game will ever properly get finished or if it’s just a pitch from Pitchford to keep the spotlight on a dying company. I suppose we’ll find out more when April 3rd gets here and they officially announce the game after this four minute teaser trailer announced that they would announce more info on April 3rd.

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