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1513430provjera kolačićaSvijet završava s tobom, definitivna verzija izlazi 12. listopada za Nintendo Switch

Svijet završava s tobom, definitivna verzija izlazi 12. listopada za Nintendo Switch

The definitive version of Svijet završava s vama: Završni remix is set to launch October 12th, 2018 later this year during the fall exclusively for the Nintendo Switch. The full version of the game will contain everything from the original, but with an all new scenario, all new remixed music, and upgraded graphics and controls to meet the standards of the Switch’s hardware capabilities.

Nintendo rolled out the release date for the game via a Tweet that was published recently, featuring the all new trailer for the upcoming definitive edition of Tetsuya Nomura and Hirokuki Ito’s iconic cult-classic.

The trailer is just under two minutes, featuring a look at the content and story of Svijet završava s vama: Završni remix. You have seven days to save the world, and you take on the roles of various characters as they battle through the streets of Tokyo while unleashing skills and beating the crap out of enemies.

The game is heavily story-oriented, and in between the battle sequences you’ll have comic-book style dialogue sequences.

A lot of people also really loved the game’s soundtrack, which was composed by Takeharu Ishimoto, which was a combination of funk-fusion and electronic dance pop. The game is like a combination of Jet Set Radio zadovoljava Guardian Heroes s crtica Danganronpa.

You can get a better idea of what the gameplay is like with the video below from SkywardWing.

I doubt this is going to be the sort of game that will be a system seller, but I imagine a lot of gamers looking to expand their library will probably want to grab a copy if they missed out on it when it launched on the Nintendo 3DS.

Možete tražiti Svijet završava s vama: Završni remix to launch on the Nintendo switch exclusively starting October 12th, 2018 later this year during the fall.

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