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1514810provjera kolačićaSega objavljuje novu snimku u motoru Total War: Three Kingdoms

Sega objavljuje novu snimku u motoru Total War: Three Kingdoms

Sega and Creative Assembly have released a new Ukupno rat: Tri kraljevstva in-engine trailer showing the first glimpse of the game’s campaign map and more. If you happen to be an RTS goer and like the Total War niz igara, Tri kraljevstva will release for PC in early 2019.

During a time when many kingdoms fought over a land plagued by tyranny and turbulence, it is said that great warriors emerged and you will be able to assume them during those battles in the latest iteration of Ukupno rat: Tri kraljevstva.

The devs invite you to discover the “beauty of ancient China” in the latest Three Kingdoms’ trailer that also flaunts in-engine footage. In addition, a look at the campaign map happens to make an appearance in the novi video trailer, which focuses on Sun Jian:

If you want to see an actual battle unfold in front of you, way back in June at E3 2018, Sega and crew released the following video that examines the events between Lü Bu and Cao Cao.

The video reveals Lü Bu in Xiapi while commander Cao Cao sees an opportunity to strike and take him down before his strength reaches new heights. You can check out the older gameplay video right here:

Furthermore, the official Steam page reveals that the blood brothers will be in the game, joined by the tyrant Dong Zhuo. I’m pretty sure other formidable warriors and commanders from the ongoing series that Koei Tecmo and Omega Force have going (Dynasty Warriors) will show up in a trailer or two later down the line.

U svakom slučaju, Ukupno rat: Tri kraljevstva has no minimum or recommended PC specs up yet, nor does it have an official release date. While we wait for those things to drop, you can head on over to its newly updated Parna stranica ili totalwar.com.

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