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1508390provjera kolačićaDatum izlaska Call Of Cthulhu postavljen je za 30. listopada na PC-u, PS4, Xbox One

Datum izlaska Call Of Cthulhu postavljen je za 30. listopada na PC-u, PS4, Xbox One

Chaosium’s classic pen-and-paper role-playing game based on H.P. Lovecraft’s work is being brought to life in the form of an investigation, mystery-horror game called Call of Cthulhu from French developer Cyanide Studios. The game will be published by Maximum Games and Focus Home Interactive for the Xbox One, PS4 and PC starting October 30th this fall.

The game is based around a private investigator who goes to a small east coast isle known as Darkwater Island. A family has died under mysterious circumstances and it’s up to investigator Edward Pierce to piece together the puzzle and find out exactly what happened to the Hawkins family.

The game is set during 1924, before cell phones, tablets, and computers. So you’ll be trapped in a world relying on conventional means of discovery, communication, and intuition.

Much like every other Lovecraft story out there, nothing is quite as it seems. Pierce begins to find that the deeper into the case he delves, the more he loses himself. Soon, the task is no longer about finding the culprit behind the murders so much as it is about finding his own sanity.

Pierce will have to deal with shady family secrets, the revival of the Old Ones, and the unspeakable terror that comes with unraveling the cultists’ desire to embrace the cosmic horrors of the outer realm.

The game is a mixture of light point-and-click elements with traditional first-person survival-horror gameplay. For gamers who like mysteries fused with horror – not unlike Darril Arts’ Remothered: Tormentirani očevi – you might find yourself liking what Cyanide Studios has in store with Call of Cthulhu.

As mentioned, the game is due out for PC, PS4, and Xbox One starting October 30th later this year. You can keep track of the game or learn more by visiting the Parna stranica trgovine.

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