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1522820provjera kolačićaRobocraft Infinity, PvP igra za izradu robota dostupna na Xboxu One za 19.99 USD

Robocraft Infinity, PvP igra za izradu robota dostupna na Xboxu One za 19.99 USD

Freejam announced that Robocraft Infinity is currently available for the Xbox One on the Xbox Store for $19.99.

Robocraft Infinity is based around building and crafting your very own robots and fighting in five-vs-five PvP matches. The emergent crafting element allows players to build up their very own mechs, their very own Gundams, their very own Robotechs, their very own Macross machines, or any and everything else in between that can seep into the pink-pulsing membrane working tirelessly within the skull-fluids of your head.

The game’s release on Xbox One, however, does not signal the end of development for the console release of Robocraft Infinity Developer and producer Luis Dellinger (cool name, by the way) announced that they will continue to develop and produce content for the game, post-launch, mentioning in the press release…

“We have plenty of updates scheduled for the future including adding new weapons, game modes and more, but the first thing we’ll be doing post-release is collating all the feedback from players and fixing any issues that arise”

Ako nikad niste vidjeli Robocraft Infinity in action, there’s a trailer that you can view below.

Freejam’s foray into a console release of Robocraft Infinity isn’t a standalone effort to increase the brand recognition and worth of Robocraft, it also accompanies the studio’s venture into the realm of Battle Royale.

Robocraft Royale recently entered into Rani pristup na Steamu back at the end of March. It takes the general concept of Robocraft Infinity but adds a Battle Royale twist to it. Unfortunately, right now you can’t modify your own custom creations in-game, but hopefully they’ll add that feature in a future update.

For now, if you were interested in checking out the standard version of Robocraft Infinity for the Xbox One family of home consoles, you can do so right now for $19.99 over on the Xbox Store. For more info you can hit up the game’s Službena web stranica.

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