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1512730provjera kolačićaKona, Mystery-Survival igra lansirana za Nintendo Switch

Kona, Mystery-Survival igra lansirana za Nintendo Switch

Parabole and Ravenscourt announced that Kona is currently available for the Nintendo Switch. The game originally came out last year for PC. The crowdfunded title mixes in Athabaskan mythology with a classic whodunit mystery. Players take on the role of detective Carl Fauberet in 1970, North Canada, where they must investigate the eerie happenings in a small snow-laden village.

The game starts with a simple enough premise, where you get stuck in the snow town after making a short trip through the thick snow to get there. However, things quickly break down and players begin to investigate the happenings surrounding a recent murder.

With much of the town abandoned, and some members trapped in ice, Faueberet discovers that it’s not just a typical murder-mystery that he’s dealing with.

The game combines exploration with puzzles themed around item-discovery and common-sense solutions. You won’t have to worry about trying to complete logic-based conundrums that transcend any form of practical thinking.

If you have no idea what the game is like, a trailer is below to give you an idea of how it plays.

Visually the game is nothing too special, but it does have its own charm and it never takes you out of the experience.

Also, unlike a lot of other survival-horror games out there where you’re a hapless dude or damsel in distress, Kona actually lets you acquire weapons with which to fend off your attackers.

There’s also a warmth meter you’ll need to keep track of, where if you let it get too low you’ll freeze to death. This obviously adds a recurring element of challenge to the game, especially given that at times the weather will get bitterly cold and force you to have to consider your surroundings and how you traverse them.

If you’re not interested in purchasing Kona on the Nintendo Switch, or if you don’t have a Nintendo Switch, you can also acquire a copy of the game for the Nvidia Shield.

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