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1527080provjera kolačićaDevil May Cry HD kolekcija stiže na PC, PS4 i Xbox One 13. ožujka 2018.

Devil May Cry HD kolekcija stiže na PC, PS4 i Xbox One 13. ožujka 2018.

Capcom has revealed Vrag May Cry HD Collection and its release date. The HD bundle will release both physically and digitally across PC, PS4 and Xbox One on March 13th, 2018. The company announced the HD Collection will run for $29.99.

Capcom had posted not too long ago on capcom-unity.com jer je Devil May Cry HD Collection, which first released for PS3 and Xbox 360 in April 2012, will include (the 2001) Vrag May Cry, (the 2003) Vrag May Cry 2, and (the 2006) Vrag May Cry 3: Posebno izdanje igre.

As of course, this news sparked a lot of speculation as to whether Capcom will confirm floating rumors of Devil May Cry 5, but while we wait on that to manifest, the company provided an overview of all three HD games.

Devil May Cry — 2001:

“This is the one that started it all, starring a mature and subdued Dante, which matched the mood and tempo of the game’s sense of isolation during the exploration sequences and tough-as-nails boss battles.”

Devil May Cry 2 — 2003:

“Taking place after the events of the first Devil May Cry, this sequel strives for a more cinematic look and feel to combat, changing things up in how the camera behaves, but also taking extreme care to make the animations more natural and fluid. Plus, you can unlock and play as Trish, featuring her own unique weapons and move set.”

Vrag May Cry 3: Posebno izdanje — 2006:

“Focusing on the origins of our favorite demon hunter, this prequel features a much younger and more rambunctious Dante who cares very little about how much damage he’s doing to even his own shop as long as he can chew his pizza and kick some butt. And he runs out of pizza.”

Ako nikada niste igrali ništa od Devil May Cry games in the past and always wanted to, you’ll be able to  in early 2018. The only thing is that you won’t be able to play the fourth title given that it’s not available in the HD bundle, but if you want to know what the first, second and third DMC is all about on PC and the latest home consoles  you’ll be able to do so.

You can read more about Capcom’s announcement of Vrag May Cry HD Collection naslovom preko na capcom-unity.com.

There’s no telling how the PC port of Vrag May Cry HD Collection will play at launch, but folks will find out when it drops on March 13th, 2018 for said platform, PS4 and Xbox One.

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