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1521390provjera kolačićaBrutal Doom Project Brutality UAC Prison Map Preuzimanje sada dostupno za PC

Brutal Doom Project Brutality UAC Prison Map Preuzimanje sada dostupno za PC

Jedan od najnovijih Sudbina mods in the works that’s set to release sometime soon is Brutal Doom – Project Brutality: Black Mass. Modder The Zombie and Team Black Metal have released an “open beta” for the mod’s UAC Prison map, meaning that you can download and test the stage for PC right now.

Sudbina has a lot of mods or wads out for it that practically have turned it into a different game both mechanically and graphically. The thing is with the modding scene for Doom, it can be traced all the way back to the mid-1990’s and it’s still going strong to this very day.

The latest mod aiming to change Sudbina and its core comes The Zombie and Team Black Metal’s Project Brutality: Black Mass koji koristi Brutal Doom as its foundation.

The full version of this mod or wad will sport 10 main maps and two secret maps for marines to get lost in. As for the “open beta” that is currently live it only has one full map that you can roam around and complete, which happens to be the UAC Prison map.

You can check out the ultra violent and over the top brutality Brutalnost projekta open beta map thanks to a video playthrough that Rob Hafmans objavljena.

Folks looking to play this map will need Brutal Doom installed, which doubles over for the soon to come full version of Project Brutality.

No word as to when the full release of Project Brutality will hit the gaming scene, so if you want to stay on this mod and learn progress made on Project Brutality and if there is any new major update you can visit moddb.com.

The download link to Brutalnost projekta can be further investigated through the given link, but if you don’t have Brutal Doom you can gain access to it by following this Link za download.

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