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1509150provjera kolačićaRandy Pitchford želi angažirati "baddass" programere, ne na temelju rase ili spola

Randy Pitchford želi angažirati "baddass" programere, ne na temelju rase ili spola

I’m not sure if Randy Pitchford is desperate or what? But what is known, as of now, is that he wants to hire people for his next game, likely Prigraničja 3. He wants to focus on bringing in people that hone raw talent and also happen to be “badass.” Yes, Pitchford and crew are not looking to qualify participants based on race or gender, but based on the “will to entertain!”

Video game developer and CEO of Gearbox, better known as Randy Pitchford, has taken to X / Twitter to announce that he is looking to work with people not based on their race, gender, or other identity-related qualifies, but instead he wants to hire in people based on their creativity ability and their “will to entertain” gamers. We can see on Geabox’s Career section that the company is “always hiring”.

Gearbox hire

Seeing that the company is open to hire developers, this move coincides with his latest tweet:

The tweet was in response to another tweet made by PowerToFly. The latter name is displeased about a report that Fast Company posted up showing that black women are less in the tech industry than they were 10 years ago. Pitchford, to my surprise, isn’t for hiring people based on pigment of skin or what’s atop or below the waistline; he’s for actual game development prowess.

To be honest here, I can’t take Pitchford serious when he lies about games like Stranac: Colonial Marines, sings an ostentatious song at PAX West 2016 about #GamerGate, wanting to work with Anita Sarkeesian, and bestowed the abomination that was Battleborn on us. However, given that Pitchford and crew are taking their time making Borderlands 3 in an attempt to do things “right” and supposedly doing a leap with merit, does warrant a peek before judgment.

If the crew of people being hired based on actual skill and talent happen to be assigned to Prigraničja 3, I do wonder if the game will correct past mistakes in the series and make situations like Battleborn a thing of the past? Or is Pitchford just spewing words to gain trust so that he can shaft gamers for the umpteenth time? With that said, only time will tell.

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