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1464370provjera kolačićaOtvorena beta verzija Raiders Of The Broken Planet sada se može igrati na PC-u, PS4, Xbox One

Otvorena beta verzija Raiders Of The Broken Planet sada se može igrati na PC-u, PS4, Xbox One

MercurySteam-a Raiders Broken Planet-a has finally entered into open beta for Xbox One, PS4 and PC. The asymmetric, cooperative-PvP multiplayer game is up and available for download from the respective online service platforms.

The game sees four players working cooperatively together to complete the story missions, unlock new gear and earn new playable characters by completing the missions. The gameplay is almost identical to Warframe, but it mixes in some Metal Gear Online elements, such as stealth and utilizing the environment to avoid line-of-sight.

Instead of just being a typical TPS title, though, MercurySteam took it to the next step by adding in an antagonist mode. This allows a fifth player to play as the bad guys, and earn some rep and credits while doing little more than trolling the other four players and attempting to completely screw up their mission. The player manning the enemy works a little bit like a director, focusing and tactically pointing enemy NPCs in specific directions, which can make matches harder or easier, depending on how players adapt to the random element of another player modifying the battlefield.

The game isn’t complete yet, but the missions that are available can be played right now, with Enric Álvarez, co-owner of MercurySteam, explaining in the press release…

“We hope everyone enjoys the first two missions alongside some of the team who will also be online this weekend. And don’t be afraid to play as the Antagonist – it’s good to be bad sometimes!”

They also released a new developer diary for the game as well, which you can check out below.

The video centers around Konstantin, a cyborg rebel who was once a member of the enemy raiding party but was destroyed by another hunter when he didn’t kill a group of civilians. Konstantin ends up joining the rebellion effort after being rebuilt.

He has some interesting skills, including using various weapons centered around variations of a Gatling gun. One of his weapons allows him to ricochet the bullets off walls to take out enemies from around the corner.

Due to the slow spin-up for the Gatling weapons to get going, he’s definitely more of a backup/support character as opposed to someone who could just charge in and kill everything in sight. He can definitely still kill everything in sight, but it’s best to to take that action strategically, and with the help of some buddies.

You can grab the beta build for Raiders Broken Planet-a upravo sada za PS4, Xbox One ili PC.

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