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Destiny 2: Evo kako brzo napredovati, doći do tajni farme i kvarova

Bungie i Activision Sudbina 2 is out right now for PS4 and Xbox One, with a PC version set to drop October 24th. Seeing that the game is new and that the devs wanted a clean slate from the first title, it means that a lot of newcomers will be seeking help. This guide will cover how to level fast, obtain Farm secrets, and use a new glitch outside the Well of Flame on Nessus.

obavijest: This guide does, however, contain some spoilers for those holding out on wanting to learn things about Destiny 2. If you are reserved about learning future stuff, it’s best to proceed with caution when reading through this guide.

For starters, there’s no doubt that a lot of players on console (PS4 and Xbox One) are veterans and know a large majority of things and how they will work in Sudbina 2. If you are new on console or you are a PC player looking to jump into the realm of Destiny, a video guide teaching you how to level and reach “Max Power Level” quickly can be seen below by My Name is Byf.

The next video covers that of a new feature that was but wasn’t in the original Sudbina. The new feature happens to be a brand new take on social spaces named the “Farm” in the European Dead Zone. While some may argue that the Farm/social space was part of the Tower or Reef’s Vestian Outpost, this particular one in the second Sudbina offers something a bit different in that you can find special secrets and buffs throughout each location.

Video vodič za Ready Up Live sits below for your viewing pleasure and teaches you how to obtain and find secrets in the Farm.

The last thing in this guide is that of a glitch. Some will find this glitch useful while others will see it as being useless. If you’ve played the first Sudbina you will know that escaping the dome had its perks in that you could use it to travel to other hidden places and obtain rare resources or to chip away at a formidable foe/boss life. The glitch video comes in by Fikod TheMan.

Sudbina 2 is currently available to play across PS4 and Xbox One, the PC version is set to debut on October 24th.

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