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1459660provjera kolačićaAžuriranje No Man's Sky Atlas Rises 1.3 izlazi ovaj tjedan za PC i PS4

Ažuriranje No Man's Sky Atlas Rises 1.3 izlazi ovaj tjedan za PC i PS4

It has been a full year since Nebeski nebo first became available for gamers to purchase and play. As an anniversary update, Sean Murray and Hello Games released a new letter on Nebeski nebo website detailing that “Atlas Rises” update 1.3 will release for PC and PS4 this week.

Hello Games took to its official website to update fans on the forthcoming release of update 1.3 and how the latest version will not only be free but will release this week for PC and PS4. Part of the note featured on nomanssky.com može se vidjeti u nastavku:

“Update 1.3 will release this week and will be available for free to all No Man’s Sky players. We’re calling it Atlas Rises. It focuses on improving the central story of No Man’s Sky and adds the ability to quick travel between locations using portals. Patch notes will be made available shortly before the update goes live.”

The update will include features that will focus heavily on the story of Nebeski nebo as well as the ability to quick travel between locations (likely places that you have already visited) by using portals. It’s worth noting that more features will likely show up when the patch/update notes drop with Atlas Rises update 1.3, so you should keep your eyes peeled for that.

As of this moment, the community seems to be split on whether or not multiplayer should be added, however the more important question is will the update be worth all the time that was put into the alternate reality game (ARG) or will it be something sub-par? Sadly, only time will tell, seeing how the full letter made mention that the team’s actions hold more weight than their words.

To stay up to date with all things Nebeski nebo možeš posjetiti nomanssky.com, if you happen to be curious as to what all went down with the ARG and Waking Titan project you can check out gamedetectives.net.

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