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1459820provjera kolačićaAžuriranje No Man's Sky 1.3 sada je dostupno za PC i PS4

Ažuriranje No Man's Sky 1.3 sada je dostupno za PC i PS4

Hello Games has released update 1.3 for Ne postoji čovjekovo nebo. The anniversary update brings various changes to the game that improves the graphics, enhances the story, and brings much more. Update Atlas Rises is available right now for PC and PS4.

Eager fans who have or haven’t participated in the alternate game reality (ARG) event knew that something big was to come to Nebeski nebo this month. Well, the big thing is here for the space simulator and it comes in as Atlas Rises version 1.3.

Korištenje električnih romobila ističe Službena web stranica to otkriva Nebeski nebo third major update introduces a new central story-line with over 30 hours of new content to discover, quick portals that enable users to revisit previous planets or random new worlds, a new procedural system that generates undiscovered missions, trade improvements, system economies, “lite” multiplayer for up to 16 players, terrain deformation via editing with the Multi-Tool, low flight to navigate slightly above planetary terrain, and much more.

The new video showing the bevy amount of additions to the game, whether it be actual content for player to engage in or graphical changes to enhance the experience whilst playing, a new video by HelloGamesTube is now up for you to look over, as seen below.

The one thing that skeptical and curious gamers alike can do as of now who fancy Nebeski nebo is test the update to see whether or not it improves the game and removes any past issues or if it brings better content to the table.

Additional information on the Atlas Rises update can be found, as noted above, over on the game’s Službena web stranica ili na svom Parna stranica, which the new update is currently available to download right now.

Lastly, the space simulator known as Nebeski nebo is running for $59.99 and is available across PC and PS4.

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