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1458060provjera kolačićaOvercooked: Special Edition izlazi na Nintendo Switchu 27. srpnja

Overcooked: Special Edition izlazi na Nintendo Switchu 27. srpnja

Team17 and Ghost Town Games announced that Prekrepao: Posebno izdanje will be launching on the Nintendo Switch later this week on July 27th. The multiplayer, couch co-op puzzle title will include some Switch-exclusive features, including HD rumble and an overhauled co-op campaign mode.

The game will launch this week on the Nintendo eShop for just $19.99, giving Switch fans an opportunity to play some crazy, over-the-top multiplayer fun with their friends or family.

The game centers around the Onoin Kingdom being in danger, and only a select number of heroic cooks can save it. Players will have to battle through the dangerous and deadly kitchens while preparing some top-notch dishes and defeating the evil within the land. You can check out the game’s trailer below to see what sort of spastic mayhem awaits when the game arrives on the Nintendo Switch later this week.

The trailer got downvoted pretty badly because a lot of people said that it wasn’t very informative and the fact that the ‘E’ for everyone ESRB rating took up more time than the actual gameplay in the trailer. They do have a point. There were only a few actual seconds of Nintendo Switch gameplay, and the rest was logos, ratings and splash screens.

Nevertheless, the game will feature everything that was already available in the original release of prekuhan, which came out back in August of 2016… one whole year ago.

The game is a few bucks cheaper on Steam for only $16.99, but if you really want this game on the Nintendo Switch you can get it for $19.99 starting this Thursday. It’s an odd day to launch a game given that most times they’re made available on Tuesdays or Fridays, but I doubt anyone is going to argue about a game launching on Thursday.

If you need more info on this game feel free to check out the Službena web stranica.

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