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Objavljen video usporedbe grafike Rogue Trooper Redux za Nintendo Switch

A new two minute video was released to showcase the different between the 2006 release of Rebellion’s Rogue Trooper and the 2017 re-release of Rogue Trooper Redux. The video compares the graphics from the old game to the graphics from the new game on the Nintendo Switch.

Not much has changed other than that the meshes have more polygons, the troopers’ pants have been turned into skinny jeans for some bizarre reason, and there have been some lighting and shadow updates, along with improved resolution. You can see the differences on display in the video below.

Obviously the increased amount of triangles on the characters means that they no longer look awful. The real-time dynamic lighting also makes a pretty big difference, too.

The trailer spends a bit of time showing the difference between the decade old version and the newer version with remodeled characters, weapons and vehicles for the Switch. They also remind gamers that all of the cinematics have been remastered as well.

The comparison is taken from the old OG Xbox version and measured up against what Tick Tock and Rebellion is pumping out for the newer consoles.

You can definitely see the differences but I’m not sure if graphics alone will be enough to convince people to re-purchase the game a decade later. The combat – from what I remember when I first reviewed it – was just barely passable and the action was only moderately enjoyable.

Then again, when the original Rogue Trooper came out it was pretty much an overlooked third-person cover shooter, so there are a lot of kids who are now grown up who might enjoy the game for the very first time on a real game console like the Nintendo Switch, which focuses on putting games first instead of social justice.

Možete tražiti Rogue Trooper to launch soon on the eighth gen consoles and Nintendo Switch.

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