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1457610provjera kolačićaMasquerada: Song And Shadows RPG kreće 8. kolovoza na PS4, Xbox One

Masquerada: Song And Shadows RPG kreće 8. kolovoza na PS4, Xbox One

Ysbryd Games and Witching Hour Studios announced that their isometric role-playing game, Masquerada: Pjesme i sjene will launch in full on the Xbox One and PS4 starting August 8th.

The announcement for the game’s release date being set for early August was accompanied by a new gameplay trailer that also highlighted some of the game’s mechanics, the story and a few of the characters. Be warned, however, that this game features voice acting from Matthew Mercer, Felicia Day, Jennifer Hale, Dave Fennoy and Ashly Burch.

You can check out the full gameplay trailer below.

To be quite honest the visual art-style looks great. There’s this high-quality hand-painted look about the environments and design that feels like a throwback to classic point-and-click games but with an HD coating. I can dig it.

The motif was inspired by the Renaissance-era of Venice in Italy, mixing in bazaars with fantasy dungeons and other exotic locales.

The actual combat in Masquerada: Pjesme i sjene is a frantic fireball of explosive carnage.

It’s sometimes hard to make heads or tales of what’s going on, but it’s definitely fast-paced. According to the description, the game uses real-time combat with a pause feature, so that it’s possible to direct and move around the five heroes on the battlefield to make do with the most advantageous position possible.

The game features customizable elemental magic for each of the teammates, along with full skill trees and party combos.

This version of the game has been upgraded and updated for its release on home consoles this August, including having the added New Game+ option tossed in for those of you out there who decide to pick up a copy, beat the game and then dive back in for some extra goodness.

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