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Visage Gameplay trailer obećava neke ozbiljne strahove i interaktivna uzbuđenja

A new gameplay trailer for SadSquare Studio’s lice was released for public consumption. It features a flyby of various environments within the game, along with some brief, actual in-game play.

There are some serious surrealistic scenarios featured in the trailer, along with some crazy looking special effects fused with a collection of interactive moments, showcasing that the game isn’t just a narrative walking simulator where very little happens. You will have to actually interact with the environment and do more than just look at things.

The end of the two minute trailer also seems to promise some Eldritch-style environmental encounters that are as majestic to behold as they are frightening.

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lice starts as a haunted house tour, not unlike what Kojima and Guilermo del Toro proposed with Tiha Hills, but after examining some of the rooms and unlocking some of the doors, the game quickly takes a journey into the bizarre and the surreal.

Many gamers compared the old gameplay footage of the Kickstarted title to the imagery and atmosphere from Wes Craven’s Noćna mora na ulici. I can’t say I disagree with that assessment.

Unlike other walking simulators out there, though, lice is more than just a theme park ride. Oftentimes walking sims guide players through environments that offer very little interactivity and almost no possible way to actually fail. It looks like Sadsquare is taking the narrative and progressive structure of walking simulators but putting slightly more focus on small interactive segments just so players feel as if they’re a bit more involved, similar to games like Nestanka Ethan Carter.

So far the game looks like it’s coming along a lot better than what I would have expected from a Kickstarter project. Hopefully backers are happy with the finished product.

Prema update post on Kickstarter, they’re working on the stress meter and story progression. As far bug fixes are concerned, they ran into a fairly serious problem that can only be fixed with the next update of the Unreal Engine 4, so development has slowed to a bit of crawl, but hopefully they can climb over that hurdle when Epic releases the next update for the Unreal Engine 4.

lice is due out “soon” for the Xbox One, PS4 and PC.

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