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1448860provjera kolačićaModder nastoji unijeti Fallout New Vegas Map i misije u Fallout 4

Modder nastoji unijeti Fallout New Vegas Map i misije u Fallout 4

Just recently a modder by the name of Sir_Bumfrey_Diggles and his helpers have cooked up a demo trailer of their latest project that aims to bring Fallout Novi Vegas map and its quests to Fallout 4, essentially making it two games in one.

Hvatanje vjetra s mjesta objave GameRant, it is now known that publisher Bethesda and developer Obsidian Entertainment’s Fallout Novi Vegas will (or might) come to Fallout 4 via a mod. This includes both the map and quests found in the 2010 game. This news comes from the announcement made by Sir_Bumfrey_Diggles on Reddit, Što se može vidjeti dolje.

“Hey everybody. Since I’m not going to be able to work on this project for about a week, I thought I would show you how the map is progressing. Here’s a seven minute video of me waking from Goodsprings to Primm. Sorry about the loud radio, it was my first attempt to get something working in game. Also I know the area in between the two towns is pretty barren but I’m going to work on that when I get back next week. I only included it to show you the current scale of the map.”

You can check out the latest work by Sir_Bumfrey_Diggles and his fellow helpers via F4NV Projectkanal korisnika.

Yes, not only are old quests in consideration but new quests are said to be in the works too. This information comes from the modder that the publication site picked up:

“Although the New Vegas into Fallout 4 mod is still early in development, the project’s team has the loftier goal to not only recreate the buildings and world, but also to use that as a foundation to write new quests. That said, though, Sir_Bumfrey_Diggles has admitted that bringing the New Vegas quests into Fallout 4 with the mod is not totally off the table, but such a feat could only be done with some of the base quests.”

If the modders can see this project through to the end and all goes well while developing Novi Vegas u Fallout 4, folks will essentially have two games in one on-hand: Fallout Novi Vegas i fallout 4.

For more information regarding this project you can head on over to Reddit or F4NV Project.

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