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1447940provjera kolačićaGrimoire: Heralds of the Winged Exemplar prevladao Greenlight Milestone

Grimoire: Heralds of the Winged Exemplar prevladao Greenlight Milestone

Golden Era Games’ Grimoire: Heralds of the Winged Exemplar has finally been greenlit to appear on Steam. The game has been in development for the last 22 years, and the promise of release is now a promise by the dedicated indie team.

Više na Stranica Parna Greenlight there’s a giant green banner indicating that the game was voted through by the Steam community and approved by Valve.

The game has a bit of a storied history with it, and the title was recently given a bit of an extra plug thanks to a post over on Kotaku u akciji, where a fan of the game beseeched the community to help vote the game through Greenlight.

But why did they need to go to KiA? Well, according to the post the creator of the game is a notorious troll, and the kind of guy who they claim may have been blackballed by the gaming media because he’s against those who ran the GameJournoPros and against the whole SJW menace who have tried to ruin gaming with censorship dogmatic oppression of creativity and the free marketplace of ideas.

Unsurprisingly, anyone who readily stands against the SJW overlords is pretty likely going to get strong support from most people who have become absolutely tired of the whole politically correct movement that has cropped up in the extremist circles of the regressive leftists.

Before the day was finished, Grimorij was greenlit and is now prepping to make its way onto the Steam store.

The game itself is an old-school CRPG that sees players venturing through dungeons, battling monsters, exploring more than 244 maps, experience classic midi music with 8-bit sound effects, and deal with more than 600 hours of potential single-player questing.

They also state that the game will have multiple beginnings and endings, a robust character creation system with 14 different races, 15 different professions, 50 different skills, and tons more stuff.

It’s hard to tell how legitimate a lot of those features are and what’s possible just a tinge of hyperbole.

The community seems all in on the game even though it failed miserably on IndieGoGo, only making 27% of its total $25,000 goal.

Kako igra izgleda možete pogledati u traileru ispod.

They don’t say when the project will launch on Steam or when games can expect the full version, but I’m sure updates will come soon enough. You can also learn more about Grimoire: Heralds of the Winged Exemplar posjetom Službena web stranica.

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