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Astroneer Guide: Savjeti i trikovi za vozila i priključke

There seems to be some folks that are looking to maximize their vehicle usage in System Era Softworks’ Astroneer, and while the game is vast in size when it comes to exploring, vehicles play an important part when traversing planets. In this guide both vets and newcomers alike will learn some new tips and tricks regarding vehicles.

There is currently a new patch out that aims to fix several bugs, which in an attempt to fix bugs in-game it somewhat created more problems for others that weren’t experiencing vital glitches or performance problems. This patch is dubbed as, which in the list documenting fixes includes the previous build’s fixes (in which the previous build was entitled

Not going into all the problems that the new patch/update caused (because that would be more than one could read) we’ll take a look at the vehicles and how to maximize the most out of them when playing on patch

As you know we have access to four different vehicles, the Rover, Shuttle, Truck and Spaceship. Each vehicle stands to feature something helpful in specific endeavors.

Video by YouTuberu Got Yer Back shows some visual tricks as well as tips that should help you out on your planetary adventures.

Before jumping into the video, a bulleted list is up for you to look over that contains time-stamps.

More information regarding patch can be found by heading over to either Steam’s stranica zajednici or by hitting up the team’s stranica foruma. The update includes a lot of fixes that one of which fixes a vehicle glitch that allowed players to interact with stuff while entering a vehicle.

Astroneer je da se sada za računalom putem Parna rani pristup i Xbox One through the preview section, and costs $19.99.

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