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1437340provjera kolačićaRevhead, Car Simulator traži glasove na Steam Greenlightu

Revhead, Car Simulator traži glasove na Steam Greenlightu

If Moj Ljeto automobila is a game that you like to play, there is another game that’s not too far from it in regards to gameplay mechanics. The title goes by the name of Revhead. The Australian racing simulator is currently seeking votes on Greenlight and will be made available for PC sometime early 2017.

At first I was about to wave this game off and forget its existence, but the more I started looking the game over and watched the full trailer from beginning to end, I thought about Moj Ljeto automobila. Now, although the latter game mentioned looks pretty bad graphically, as a simulator Moj Ljeto automobila brings another level of fun through its manual labor mechanics and detailed engine building that quite a lot of people adore.

Seeing how Creative Pudding’s Revhead is almost similar to Moj Ljeto automobila in that you can build up bevy amount of cars that come to mind, with over 100 individual components that you can mess around with and connect to other parts, opens an infinite pool of cars to make, which is pretty cool.

Revhead 2

As seen above, the image reveals a car’s bottom chassis and all the stuff you can change. Another image below shows both new and used parts up for grabs in a catalog that ranges from various parts that make a motor and car run.

Revhead 3

A video showing customization, racing, off-road racing, drag racing, test driving and doing dangerous stuff near the edge of a cliff can be seen in the latest trailer by Kreativni puding.

For Greenlight standards this game isn’t that bad, seeing how it doesn’t use stolen assets, isn’t made in MS Paint and looks to have an in-depth amount of gameplay features and options. But you can be the judge of this game and if it’s something worth passing through Greenlight by heading on over to the parna Greenlight stranica.

For more information regarding this upcoming car simulator game you can hit up revheadgame.com.

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