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1434670provjera kolačićaBulletstorm: Full Clip Edition sadrži Duke Nukem, lansiranje 7. travnja 2017.

Bulletstorm: Full Clip Edition sadrži Duke Nukem, lansiranje 7. travnja 2017.

People Can Fly and Gearbox Software announced that Bulletstorm: Cijeli Clip izdanje will arrive April 7th 2017 next year in the spring for the Xbox One, PS4, PS4 Pro and PC. The remastered edition of the game will sport full 4K support, along with a special campaign addition including a fully voiced-over version of Duke Nukem.

Gearbox Software’s president Randy Pitchford made the announcement during this year’s Game Awards, introducing the Full Clip Edition of Bulletstorm with a new trailer.

It basically showcases all the stuff featured in the remastered edition, as well as highlighting that it comes with all of the previously released DLC for Bulletstorm and the ability to replace the main character with a fully voiced over version of Duke Nukem in the campaign mode by Jon St. John.

Presumably, if you don’t pre-order you don’t get the Duke Nukem campaign, which is kind of lame.

There are new Echo Maps included in the game for all new score challenges, as well as new overkills for the Campaign Mode, and a co-op mode for up to 12 players.

Steve Gibson, head of Gearbox publishing commented in the press release, saying…

“Bulletstorm: Full Clip Edition takes a critically-acclaimed game and adds so much to it with some killer new content, including all the separate add-on packs, and kicking up the presentation to a level that wasn’t possible with technology before. We hope fans of the franchise, both new and old, are going to love this.”

The thing is… Gearbox has sullied the waters with a lot of bad blood. From the unapologetic nature of how they handled Stranac: Colonial Marines, to the constant demonizing of their own audience by targeting #GamerGate, the only thing that they’ve managed to do is leave people feeling betrayed and disgusted. That was very much reflected in the sales of Battleborn i Prigraničja: Pre-nastavak, both of which underperformed compared to what they were expected to do.

With a remastered version of Bulletstorm, People Can Fly seems to be testing the waters if the market is ready for a sequel. If the sales do well enough maybe we’ll see something come out of it, if not? Well… back to the shelf it goes.

Možete tražiti Bulletstorm: Cijeli Clip izdanje to launch April 17th, 2017 for the PS4, PS4 Pro, Xbox One and PC. For more information on the first-person shooter, be sure to visit the Službena web stranica.

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