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1432320provjera kolačićaSiegecraft Commander bit će lansiran 17. siječnja na PC-u, PS4, Xbox One

Siegecraft Commander bit će lansiran 17. siječnja na PC-u, PS4, Xbox One

Blowfish Studios’ Zapovjednik Siegecraft is an upcoming strategy game for home consoles and PC. The new title just received a brand new gameplay trailer along a solid release date set for January 17th, 2017.

The action-RTS title features cross-platform compatibility, so games on PC can play against gamers on PlayStation 4, and gamers on Xbox One can play against gamers on PC. It’s one of those competitive titles that brings competitive gamers together no matter what platform they’re on. It’s a copacetic getaway that becomes a cornucopia of carnage for real-time strategy fans.

The game is designed for both keyboard and mouse play as well as gamepad and controller support. The hook for this unique RTS title is that the dominance of your kingdom is based on erecting siege towers that are connected like a web to other sub-towers. The trick, however, is that if one of the main towers fall so do all of the other connected towers. You can get a look at how the infrastructure-oriented gameplay operates in Zapovjednik Siegecraft with the release date trailer below.

The gameplay is kind of unique insofar that your main goal is to find ways to disrupt the inner workings of your opponent’s setup.

Things take on a completely different tone when you throw the multiplayer into the mix, where players can team up or battle against one another in PvP.

Benjamin Lee, the CEO of Blowfish Studios, explained that the domino effect is something gamers might enjoy as it creates a different strategic atmosphere for the matches than typical RTS titles, mentioning in the press release.. .

“Siegecraft Commander’s breadth of structures and units, their potentially domino-like chain reaction if one falls, and the challenge of pulling off well-aimed shots make for a strategy experience unlike any other,” “With both strategic turn-based and action-oriented real-time play, gamers of all tastes can have a blast toppling each other’s bases.”

Možete pogledati da biste dobili vaše ruke na Zapovjednik Siegecraft for the Xbox One, PS4 or PC starting January 17th. For more information on the game you can visit the Službena web stranica.

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