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1431990provjera kolačićaMass Effect 2 i Mass Effect 3 sada su kompatibilni s prethodnim verzijama za Xbox One
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Mass Effect 2 i Mass Effect 3 sada su kompatibilni s prethodnim verzijama za Xbox One

Electronic Arts and BioWare have completed the trifecta of backwards compatible Mass Effect games, making all three titles available as backwards compatible for the Xbox One.

Major Nelson recently made the announcement through a quick tweet to let Xbox One owners know that they can load up any of the three Mass Effect games on the Xbox One now that Mass Effect 2 i Mass Effect 3 are currently available as backwards compatible titles.

Za razliku od originala Mass Effect, however, the latter two games are only playable by disc given that they are multi-disc games. The original game can be played either by digital download or through the original Xbox 360 disc.

This was part of EA and BioWare’s celebration of N7 Day, the fictional day within the Mass Effect svemir.

The news about the two games being made backwards compatible was also accompanied by a new cinematic trailer for Mass Effect: Andromeda.

If you haven’t played the games before it’s not a bad way to catch up on the series if you do plan on diving into BioWare’s latest. However, if you were burned by that Mass Effect 3 ending you’re likely going to be keen on staying far, far away from the upcoming title.

For new-school gamers you’ll have to pony up change at local retailers like GameStop or other outlets that carry used games if you want to catch a copy of Mass Effect 2 or Mass Effect 3. Alternatively, you can search up places like Amazon to try to get your fix of the old games. Hopefully you can find a copy (or copies) cheaper than what Izgubljena Odyssey is going for. You’re not going to pay anything less than $30 for that game.

(Glavna slika ljubaznošću Ahknab)

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