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1433120provjera kolačićaDishonored 2 dobiva novu igru+ u besplatnom ažuriranju za prosinac

Dishonored 2 dobiva novu igru+ u besplatnom ažuriranju za prosinac

Bethesda announced that there’s a new update just around the corner in December for posramljena 2 that will introduce all new custom difficulty settings along with the New Game+ feature for those who have already beaten the game once.

Vijest je objavila više na official Bethesda blog, where they revealed that the new content update would be arriving within the coming weeks and that they would be sharing more information soon.

In addition to making the announcement about the new mode, they also released a short trailer reminding gamers that posramljena 2 can be played in a number of different ways, including loud and chaotic, silent and stealthy, and with or without the extra powers provided by the Outsider. Check it out below.

They explain how the whole game was based around the concept of giving players as many opportunities for control as possible. They also talk about how the game doesn’t force you into how you play the game.

It’s funny because Ubisoft is now trying to adopt this kind of gameplay philosophy and adapt it to the Assassin Creed franchise – the non-scripted gameplay narrative.

It’s not an easy thing to implement given that you need a strong impetus to give the player a reason to folly about in a sandbox, and you also need strong enough incentives to get them to explore the farthest crevices and caverns carved out into the game’s map(s). Otherwise you end up with a boring open-world experience that has been a marred mark on many AAA titles released over the years.

U svakom slučaju, posramljena 2 is a game that a lot of people are digging, and definitely more-so than Pogledajte Psi 2 (based on our own internal metrics showing the heightened interest in the former over the latter) and you can look to get more out of the game starting in December when New Game+ arrives in the free update.

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