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Oziris: New Dawn Vodič za početnike

Fenix Fire Entertainment recently released the sci-fi survival game, Oziris: New Dawn. The game entered into Early Access recently, and if you need a little help in getting started, there are some beginner guides available for crafting, surviving and scavenging.

YouTubea DemoStorm posted up a series of videos to help get gamers acquainted with the new title. You can check out the first video below.

The first thing you’ll need to do is repair your site using the duct tape. When you start the game your suit will be cracked and you’ll need to repair it as quickly as possible, otherwise you’ll die.

You can also use the inflatable dome that you get from the droid to make a small habitat that you can use to stabilize your temperature and sleep.

Use the chisel at the early part of the game to mine ore. You’ll need certain minerals to build a Forge so you can begin to craft more complex equipment.

In order to build the Forge you’ll need 4 iron, 2 titanium and 4 plutonium.

Depending on where you start in the game world, you might find yourself near a crater. Beyond the crater you’ll find ore like magnesium, gold and titanium.

If you press ‘L’ while you’re out at night, you can turn on the flashlight to scavenge the environment.

If you venture around the craters you’ll eventually find green ore deposits for plutonium. The plutonium deposits are green.

You’ll be able to complete the Forge once you get the plutonium. From there you’ll be able to make a full on Habitat if you can get your hands on some copper.

Oziris: New Dawn is currently available in Early Access for $24.99 over on the Parna trgovine.

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