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Video prekršitelja zakona Titan postaje strateški uz raketne udare preko ramena

One of the new character classes revealed for the upcoming first-person arena shooter prekršitelje zakona is called the Titan. They have the ability to rocket jump, electrocute their opponents and even fire rockets over their shoulder behind them.

The new video from Boss Key Productions keeps it simple while also talking to the developers about what makes the Titan class fun to play. They cover their rocket jumping, the over-the-shoulder rocket jumping, the melee and grenade combination, as well as the electrocution effects. You can check out the video below.

Their tips for playing as the Titan includes always detonating the rockets even if you don’t have a clear line of sight, as well as making good use of the special ability when enough people are around. It’s all basic 101 FPS arena gaming tips.

At the moment they’re still undergoing alpha testing by slowly recruiting players and bringing them into the fold. They made some changes to the art-style to further separate it from the Battleborns i Overwatches currently on the market, but they’re still going to have a tough time given how stiff the competition is in the first-person shooter genre at the moment.

prekršitelje zakona is designed to be an evolved form of games like Unreal Tournament or Potres. The difference is that it makes use of a lot of anti-gravity features where players swing, dash, spin and fly around while shooting, maiming, slicing, dicing and blowing their competition into smithereens.

I haven’t really been personally invested in FPS games recently due to how stale many of them have become. I’ve been wanting to see more physics-based shooters or games with more dynamic weapon usage as opposed to the standard ‘ole deathmatch that seems to kindle the fires that burn under the banner of Call of Duty… a banner that has almost been burning for a decade. Hopefully Battlefield 1 can usher in a new form of expectation from the overplayed FPS genre.

Nevertheless, if you want to play prekršitelje zakona, možete posjetiti Službena web stranica and sign-up to participate in the closed alpha test.

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