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1419670provjera kolačićaDragon's Sin: besplatna igra Hack-and-Slash traži zeleno svjetlo

Dragon's Sin: besplatna igra Hack-and-Slash traži zeleno svjetlo

Pazi Skala Bound, your indie free to play cousin is coming to town! Zmajev grijeh is a fantasy medieval, action hack-and-slash game that pits you against a variety of giant monsters as you go on your quest for revenge.

Zmajev grijeh (Ili Dragon Sin, sometimes they don’t include the S) is an indie title developed by Fate-Dragon Studio. Yes, this is a single player game. No, it is not an MMORPG.

You play as Greer, a man born as half human, half dragon, with the special ability to change form and morph into a powerful humanoid fire dragon. In the game’s story, Greer returns home to find all the people in his village has gone missing, and the village’s Crystal has been stolen. To figure out what has happened to his town, Greer ventures to the nearby Magic Tower to seek answers, and it is there that he will face off against a series of dragons and monsters while on his quest.

Dragon sin2

The story sounds a bit flat, and the graphics looks like it should be a game made for the PS Vita or 3DS, but the gameplay does look interesting. The actual game appears to play out as an adventure game where you travel from one area to the next fighting a series of boss battles. Zmajev grijeh uses the standard Eastern style hack-and-slash combat system, but it looks like they give you some decent controls for freedom of movement and stringing together combos, as well as the ability to build up your Dragon gauge to transform and dish out additional damage.

Zmajev grijeh seems to take themes from other action games, but something about it actually looks kind of fun. To be an indie title the game for the most part looks pretty solid, and the trailer gives a clear look at gameplay and the combat system. The developers released both an announcement trailer and a 5 minute long gameplay trailer to showcase what the game is like, so I linked both videos down below. Take a look and judge for yourself.

Zmajev grijeh still has a little bit of time left to finish development, but so far the game is scheduled for a Winter 2016 release. If you like what you see so far, you can check out Zmajev grijeh na njihovom Stranica Parna Greenlight where they are currently looking for votes. The developers have repeated several times on their Greenlight page that the game will be a free to play title upon release.

For additional information and details about the game, you can also visit their Facebook stranici, kako bi saznali više o Zmajev grijeh.

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