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Unmechanical: Prošireni vodič za sva postignuća

Neprekinuto: Prošireno is available today for the PlayStation 3 and PlayStation 4. The game was made available for the Xbox One back on January 30th, 2015. A new walkthrough guide for unlocking all the game’s achievements has gone online, giving gamers an easy route to success for earning and unlocking both the easy and the hard achievements.

UK Gaming Network tossed up a single video walkthrough that clocks in at just under an hour and a half. It’s very impressive stuff. I know the game is already a few years old and they basically just had to replay it based on their own inexhaustible knowledge of the previously released original, but it’s still impressive for a puzzle game that can royally rock your brain like a bade coke trip that was cut with baking soda.

You can check out the gameplay walkthrough with all the achievements being unlocked below. They were even nice enough to use the snap option on the Xbox One so you can see when each achievement is unlocked. As I said… impressive stuff.

The game offers up 1000 gamer score, so if you’re in it to win a ton of points… well, pace yourself.

The game itself is a simple to play yet complex to master side-scrolling puzzle game. It’s designed on the Unreal Engine 3 and features a lot of physics-based object equations for players to overcome.

Talawa Games originally designed the game for PC way back when Capcom was only dabbling their dickie in the DLC ditch known as disc-locked content. The game scored some pretty good review scores and managed to capture a nice niche audience.

Grip Games picked up porting duties for the Neprekinuto: Prošireno rendition, and it’s now waxing visual poetics on the eighth-gen platforms.

Možete saznati više o igri ako posjetite Službena web stranica or you can pick up a digital copy for the Xbox One, PS3, PS4 or PS Vita.

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