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1566830provjera kolačićaOtvorena rasprava: 22. prosinca 2019

Otvorena rasprava: 22. prosinca 2019

The latest Open Discussion has arrived as of December 22nd, 2019. If you don’t know, this series is all about discussing old, current, and new things happening around the world. You can post up anything that comes to mind in the comment section where you can talk about video games, movies, events, or anything without facing censorship.

Svatko tko traži mjesto za dijeljenje nečega što bi moglo biti od interesa otkrit će da ova ploča, koja se pojavljuje svaki tjedan na OAG-u, omogućuje sve vrste rasprava. Serija Otvorena rasprava omogućuje čitateljima sudjelovanje i uključivanje u različite teme bez ikakvih ograničenja.

Štoviše, serija Otvorene rasprave također sadrži određene teme u kojima možete sudjelovati ako se ne možete sjetiti ničega za zabilježiti. Ako ne želite sudjelovati u otvorenoj raspravi i želite promijeniti temu na nešto što smatrate zanimljivijim/hitnijim, slobodno to učinite.

This week’s Open Discussion is about holiday shopping and if you are picking up a new laptop, PC, GPU, CPU, a console like the PS4 or Xbox family of systems, or something like the Nintendo Switch.

In addition to the topic of holiday shopping, are you going to use this time (since most people are out of school or have time off from work) to get around to your backlog or are you going to add to it by snagging new or older games that happen to be on sale?

Like any other Open Discussion, if you have something else on your mind and wish to share it, you are free to post it up right here. This means that content unrelated to this very topic of holiday shopping for yourself or someone else can be shared without being moved to another section.

This week’s sound selection is “Unseen” from the Djevojke River City soundtrack.

(image courtesy of Hollywood Reporter)

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