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Izvješća tvrde da Hideo Kojima zadirkuje projekt vezan uz horore

Reports are flooding in and are saying that Hideo Kojima might be working on a new project. Additionally, indications of past remarks from Kojima resonate with a new tweet, which publication sites believe is a clue to his next work.

Without wasting any time, websites like gamesradar.com i digitaltrends.com are covering a new Kojima tweet. However, the latter website pulled this interview up between Kojima and Rocket Beans Gaming, where the creator of Smrt nasukavanja elaborates on making a “scary” title. Kojima’s answer starts at 30:31:

In case you may have skipped out on the above video, Kojima says he wants to challenge the horror genre and tackle it one day, further elaborating:

“Želim raditi horor igru ​​jednog dana, da, naravno. Imam neke nove ideje za koje mislim da će se ostvariti. Ali ne znam kada. Morat ću razmisliti kada ovo iznesem. Užas, kad je riječ o filmovima... Možete nekako zatvoriti oči gledajući stvarno strašnu stvar. Igre su drugačije od filmova. Ako zatvorite oči u filmu, možete učiniti da film nestane i film se nastavi, ali u igrama je interaktivan. Morate sami ići naprijed.”

Looking back to the piece that Digital Trends has up, the site found the following tweet by Kojima mentioning that if he wants to make the scariest horror game he must watch the 2002 Thai film The Eye:

I should note that some people believe that he’s referring to PT, but others believe he’s teasing a horror game to come years later. However it goes, there’s no denying that Kojima is fascinated in the horror genre and wants to make a “spooky” video game as per his interview with Rocket Beans Gaming.

With all of that said, would you want to see Kojima challenge the horror genre in gaming, or could you do without said project hitting the games market?

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