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Soul Calibur VI će među ostalim modovima imati još jedan mod za jednog igrača

Thanks to two publication sites, we learn from Soul Calibur VI producer Motohiro Okubo that there will be another alternate single-player mode, more multiplayer modes among others and how there will be new characters and episodes involving sub-stories.

The first piece of information regarding Soul Calibur VI comes in by YouTuber and publication site The Koalition, which you can watch the interview that features Okubo upravo ovdje:

Highlights from the interview include tidbits like, as you progress through the story mode, sub-story or timelines of other characters will be unlocked. Additionally, Soul Calibur VI is said to include new characters that are involved in the story mode along with new “episodes” that haven’t been revealed.

Soul Calibur VI will still follow Kilik, as noted before by Okubo, as he goes on his journey to seal Soul Edge. Moreover, there is going to be another story mode that’s in preparation right now. Not only was the aforesaid mentioned during The Koalition interview Okubo also reiterated the same information and then some on publication site Newsweek:

“Što se tiče drugih načina, tu je alternativni način priče koje sam prije spomenuo i kreator likova to je ključni element SoulCalibura. To će biti unutra, još ne znamo kako će izgledati. Naravno, bit će online modova, ali kako će se sve ovo odvijati, rekao bih da ostanite s nama.”

Taking it back to the story mode and The Koalition interview, Okubo confirms that Geralt of Rivia is a key factor in this narrative. However, he encourages everyone to experience this firsthand by playing the game.

Furthermore, there will be different online modes to play, but the producer notes that more news on that will come later. Okubo also mentioned that there are more modes to be revealed but gave no EST.

And lastly, Okubo touched on the volume of the campaigns (plural with an “s”) and how they’ll hold the most content in a Soul Calibur game to date:

"U kampanjama za jednog igrača pripremili smo toliko igranja da mislim da će to vjerojatno biti najveći sadržaj koji smo do sada vidjeli u Soulcaliburu, tako da sam jako uzbuđen zbog toga."

Soul Calibur VI bit će objavljen na PC-u, PS4 i Xbox One 19. listopada 2018.

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