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1513490provjera kolačićaGdje je Morten? Očigledno na pola puta oko svijeta, otkriva Pathway

Gdje je Morten? Očigledno na pola puta oko svijeta, otkriva Pathway

Pusti me da lupetam dovoljno dugo i primijetit ćeš obrazac koji se ponavlja; Imam veliki afinitet prema 8-bitnoj/16-bitnoj stiliziranoj piksel art grafici.

More so if they’re enhanced with unprecedented depth, lighting and shadows using Pixel/Voxel Hybrid Technology like Robotality says it has with put. Never mind what all that implies, I’m not sure either, but watch.

Pretty, yes? Those who prefer to relate to the I don’t care about the graphics but the gameplay remark that’s already graced the game’s Parna stranica, might more so be concerned with what else is on offer with the German studio’s next.

Staza falls bang in the heart of the 1930s. Gradually inching towards a second Great War, the German power seems peculiarly interested with digging up half of Europe and the Middle East in an occult-like frenzy.

If dealing in rare artifacts isn’t incentive enough, when a fellow-trooper exploring the murmurs by himself disappears, it’s time to put together a rag-tag crew and set out halfway across a procedurally generated map to open up tombs, temples and deserts.

In what follows then the choices are said to be tough, the ambience Lucasfilm-inspired as the keen are wont to notice and the combat predominantly turn-based. Ah, and herein lies the concern I’ll admit.


Robotality’s previous, Halfway, was also turn-based in its choice of strategy yet with user-criticisms directed at its repetitive nature, punishing RNG mechanics and seemingly foolish A.I.

Pathway’s u tijeku rasprave with the developer however imply lessons learnt. ‘The tactical battles are quite different to Halfway and we’ve removed some of the most frustrating RNG parts,’ for instance.

With release due this year, Steam will serve as the primary modus of dev-comms alongside Facebook i Twitter. Meanwhile U.K based Chucklefish is playing publisher opet.

Ovdje je Službena web stranica. Pretty, pretty.

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