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Star Citizen Video pregled Origin Spaceships

Cloud Imperium Games and Roberts Space Industries have slowly been releasing new promotional videos for Star Citizen as they continue to move toward the next alpha release for the ambitious, crowd-funded space simulator.

DualShockers spotted the latest promo video for the game, which covers the Origin space vessels. There’s a video just under two minutes long that give you a quick look at the sleek transports. Check it out below.

The majority of the video consists of the fake version of Jeremy Clarkson talking up the M50 from the fictional in-game manufacturer, Origin.

The imperfect teeth and wind-creased wrinkles across the face of the aging enthusiast highlights the detail they’re putting into Star Citizen. It’s definitely not realism achieved, but it looks about par the course for most game’s CG sequences. Amid the talk and the banter about the high-tech ship and the things that you can do it, we get a brief look at the 350i stationed in the background on the hardwood floors like a trophy worn on the raised palms of a premiere league champion.

Star Citizen - Origin Spaceships

The 85x – amidst a haze of smoke and giant billboards lined along a convention center in the backdrop – looks like a sleek sports car on a showroom floor. The bright lights from the convention center bounce off the glossy, curved plates like the lights reflecting off the shiny botox-forehead of a celebrity accepting an award on stage.

Star Citizen - Origin

The graphics, as usual, look gorgeous.

There’s no arguing that the game has the visuals nailed down tight. Now they just need to get the persistent universe situated, the procedurally generated planets optimized, and more of those quests finished.

It’s been a slow road toward the finish line, but the developers have been inching their way toward completing various alpha builds.

Up next, they’ve promised that the Star Marine FPS module will be due at some point in the near future. So we’ll how long that takes before it arrives for backers.

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