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1428840provjera kolačićaSeum: Speedrunners From Hell, sezona 2 dodaje 11 razina iz pakla

Seum: Speedrunners From Hell, sezona 2 dodaje 11 razina iz pakla

Doom, mislim Seum… the game that comes from Headup Games and Pine Studio just got an update entitled “Season 2”, which is for PC via Steam. Me muzeju: Speedrunners iz pakla now features a wiped leaderboard, 11 new stages, a Replay Theater and the “Pit of Infamy”.

Ako ne znate što Me muzeju: Speedrunners iz pakla is it’s essentially Sudbina with lots of jumping, and players speeding through death trap stages trying to reach the end of the map alive. Of course you will also want to come out on top with the highest score; further information about the game’s silly but addictive concept lies below:

“SEUM: Speedrunners from Hell is the world’s only competitive heavy metal first-person platformer. Slice every last millisecond as you race and blast your way through deadly arenas. Teleport, jump, fly and bounce in a hundred merciless and fast paced maps for the ultimate prize: Your soul! (… and beer).”

As of recent though, if you are looking for new content to burn through, the devs noted that aside from sending lots of bugs and glitches back to hell, they now have more stages for Seum that are playable. Joining the new stages (11 in total) are the Replay Theater and the Pit of Infamy.

Making the whole update even sicker is that the game will sport a 35% discount. This means its $14.99 price point will drop to $9.74, which if you are considering getting the game its best to act now, unless Seum isn’t your cup of tea. The special discount will end on October 16th.

If you are a bit leery about getting the game or if you want to see Me muzeju: Speedrunners iz pakla for yourself, the službeni trailer should provide a decent look as to how the game operates.

For more information on Season 2 you can hit up the game’s Parna stranica or headupgames.com. Me muzeju: Speedrunners iz pakla trenutno se prodaje za 9.47 dolara Parna.

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