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1476460provjera kolačićaOtherSide Entertainment najavljuje da će Tencentova stručnost pomoći System Shock 3

OtherSide Entertainment najavljuje da će Tencentova stručnost pomoći System Shock 3

Back on May 18th, 2020, we covered a report suggesting that Sustav Šok 3 and the devs might have found solace in Tencent. As of today, the two-day-old report has come to fruition in that the Chinese mega-corporation best known as Tencent is now helping with Sustav Šok 3.

Web stranica videogameschronicle.com has a pretty solid track record when it comes to reporting on rumors and things to come. With that said, the site a couple of days ago reported that “Sustav Šok 3 is being backed by Tencent.”

And as of today, we learn from otherside-e.com sljedeće informacije:

“We are happy to announce that Tencent will be taking the System Shock franchise forward. As a smaller Indie studio, it had been challenging for us to carry the project on our own. We believe Tencent’s deep capabilities and expertise as a leading game company will bring the franchise to new heights.”

After the above announcement, Twitter leaker Nibel tweeted that Tencent acquired both the System Shock franchise and IP, which is said by Nightdive Studios CEO Stephen Kick to be “misinformation.” Here’s Nibel apologizing for churning out “false” information:

Uz sve to rečeno, druga najveća azijska tvrtka po tržišnoj vrijednosti, Tencent, ima više od 800 studija koji se oslanjaju na nju. Evo trenutnog popisa poznatih tvrtki u kojima Tencent ima udjele od 2020.:

  • Riot Igre - 100%
  • mob morskih pasa - 100%
  • Supercell - 84.3%
  • Brusno igranje - 80%
  • Epic Games - 40%
  • Fatshark - 36%
  • Stunlock Studios - 31%
  • Funcom - 29%
  • Kakao - 13.5%
  • Bluehole - 11.5%
  • Sumo Group i Sumo Digital - 10%
  • Razvoj granica - 9%
  • Ubisoft - 5%
  • Activision Blizzard - 5%
  • Paradox Interactive - 5%
  • Yager – ?%

Kao što se gore vidi, Tencent ima udjela u mnogim poznatim tvrtkama. Unatoč tome, Tencent je financirao i druge popularne usluge kao što su Reddit i Discord:

  • Reddit – primio 150 milijuna dolara ulaganja od Tencenta početkom 2019. (plaćanje 2020. nepoznato)
  • Nesloga – dobio 158 milijuna dolara financiranja u 2018. od Tencenta (isplate za 2019. i 2020. nisu poznate)

Posljednje, ali ne i najmanje važno, Sustav Šok 3 je još uvijek u razvoju za PC.

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