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Najavljeno ponovno rođenje amnezije

Horror games have been one of my favorite genre for some time. There is a solace to be had in experiencing true trepidation as nightmares beyond or within your comprehension stalk you through a town, city, or whatever remote location you’ve found yourself. There is a joy in pushing past your limits and overcoming the nightmare you find yourself in. For years Frictional Games delivered such experiences, until after the release of Soma they just went silent.

Now they’ve returned with a new game set in the Amnezija universe and it looks, okay. Sure I have my quibbles about Soma, but what disappoints more than anything is hearing the studio that pioneered a lot of aspects that influence the modern horror genre has returned boasting of a new innovative game only to see a standard horror game.

Beautiful, unique, but no longer revolutionary. It’s another high-end chase genre title with a female protagonist. Reminiscent of Remothered with a dash of classic Amnezija i mrvicu Izvanzemaljska izolacija.

By no means does it look like a bad game, but perhaps they shouldn’t be throwing around the word revolutionary for something that looks merely like an update of their classic formula. Regardless gamers won’t be waiting long for the game as it is scheduled for an Autumn release window.

Opis Od Parna


Ne možete pustiti dah. Stvorenje je udaljeno samo nekoliko centimetara. Njegova je jedina svrha - da nahrani svoj teror. I tako čučite u mraku, pokušavajući zaustaviti porast straha, pokušavajući utišati ono što se nalazi u vama.


"Znam vas. Znam za što si sposoban. "


U Amneziji: Rođenje, vi ste Tasi Trianon, probudivši se duboko u pustinji Alžira. Dani su prošli. Gdje si bio? Što si učinio? Gdje su ostali? Uklonite svoje putovanje, skupite fragmente svoje rastrgane prošlosti; To je vaša jedina šansa da preživite nemilosrdni užas koji prijeti da vas proždre.


"Ne dozvolite sebi bijes, ne dopustite sebi da se bojite."


Vrijeme je protiv vas. Zakoračite u Tasijeve cipele i vodite je kroz njezin osobni teror i bol. Dok se borite da prođete kroz pusto krajolik, morate se boriti i sa vlastitim nadama, strahovima i gorkim žaljenjem. I dalje morate nastaviti, korak po korak, znajući da ćete, ako uspijete, izgubiti sve.


-First-person narrative horror experience


-Explore environments and uncover their histories.


-Overcome puzzles that stand in your way.


-Carefully manage your limited resources, both physical and mental.


-Encounter horrific creatures and use your wits and understanding of the world to escape them.

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