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No More Heroes 3 neće biti otvorenog svijeta prema Suda 51

Not too long ago, we reported that Goichi Suda (best known as Suda 51) said back in September that Nema više heroja 3 is roughly 50% done. I’m not sure how things are panning out right now, but in a new interview, Suda offers insight on the game’s world size and motion controls.

Zahvaljujući web stranici wccftech.com, we learn that folks familiar with the original game will find a much bigger playscape in the forthcoming installment regarding world size.

Za početak, Nema više heroja 3 won’t have a world as big as something from Ubisoft or for that matter, something from Rockstar. However, the game sounds like it’s treading the same road as the original but bigger.

Anyway, here’s the excerpt on the upcoming title and its world size straight from Suda himself:

“To će definitivno biti veći otvoreni svijet od originalnog No More Heroesa, ali morate zapamtiti da smo mi studio srednje klase u smislu veličine. Potrebno je mnogo vještina, mudrosti i resursa da se napravi igra otvorenog svijeta, tako da neće biti tako velika kao nešto što vidite od velikih kompanija poput Ubisofta ili Rockstara.”

Folks who are worried about side-missions in Nema više heroja 3 need not worry. During the interview, Suda briefly touches on the subject and says that it’s similar to the original with “extra” stuff added:

"Imat će količinu sporednih misija koju biste očekivali od igre No More Heroes, zajedno s nekim drugim dodacima."

Kada je upitan da razradi ove "dodatne" stvari, Suda je izgleda izbjegavao odgovoriti s mnogo detalja i umjesto toga je ponudio kratko objašnjenje rekavši da su te stvari nešto "drugačije" od tipičnih mini-igara:

“Bit će nešto... veće. Nešto drugačije od vaše standardne mini igre.”

The last interesting tidbits from the interview see Suda explaining that Switch owners can use motion controls to facilitate “interesting” moves in No More Heroes 3:

“It will definitely have the motions you know from the series [the Beam Katana charge motion…you know the one…was done to illustrate], but the real challenge was figuring out how to best use the Switch hardware. There are some interesting new possibilities.”

Nema više heroja 3 is set to launch exclusively for Switch sometime in 2020.

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