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1499560provjera kolačićaGlasine kažu da Death Stranding više nije naveden kao ekskluziva za PS4
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Glasine kažu da Death Stranding više nije naveden kao ekskluziva za PS4

There is a rumor floating around that Kojima Productions’ Smrt nasukavanja will no longer be a PS4 exclusive in the future and that it will become a PC title later on. However, Sony, Hideo Kojima, or Kojima Productions have not offered any words on this rumor.

obavijest: As noted above, none of the official players named — which include Sony, Hideo Kojima, or Kojima Productions — have declined nor confirmed the rumor of Smrt nasukavanja becoming a multiplatform title. In other words, take the following information with a grain of salt.

Whether you like or dislike Smrt nasukavanja do know the game is nearing the end of its development cycle and it’s due out November 8th, 2019. With that said, a whole host of websites have slammed the gaming news section of the web with a rumor that Death Stranding will come to PS4 and PC.

Web stranice poput ScreenRant, metro (archive.is), i PCGamer (archive.is) all share the same sentiment in that the chance of Smrt nasukavanja coming to PC is higher than before all thanks to the cover art not having the “Only on PlayStation” banner and that the PlayStation online stores for Portugal, Francuske, Njemačke, Australija, A Velika Britanija više ne prikazuju predmetnu igru ​​na ekskluzivnom popisu.

The above websites also link to an archived page back in 2015 that shows Smrt nasukavanja was to come out for PS4 and PC via ovaj portal.

The strange part about all of this is that the story has been up for two days and no official has come forth to shut it down. Given the Xbox team and its hiccup with Final Fantasy VII Remake and how fast Square Enix caught wind of that blunder (within a day) and sought to reconcile the situation by reaffirming that Final Fantasy VII remake is a PS4 exclusive, I find it strange that Sony and Kojima Productions let this one slide.

Anyway, what do you think of all of this? Do you think Smrt nasukavanja will one day come to PC or do you think it will stay as a PS4 exclusive?

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