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Suda51 ne želi napraviti više Heroes 3 nešto u čemu će ljudi uživati

It looks like Suda51 and Grasshopper Manufacture aren’t in the business anymore to sell a game to make some quick cash, no. According to a new interview, the devs are looking to make Nema više heroja 3 a game that people and fans will enjoy.

During the mid-part of June, we reported on the announcement of Nema više heroja 3, which was part of Nintendo’s E3 2019 Direct. The reveal trailer did not offer any info on gameplay mechanics, but it does offer hints on things to come.

Anyway, things that we do know about Nema više heroja 3 comes from Goichi Suda during a new interview thanks to website gamingbolt.com.

The website cites the interpreter or translator for Goichi saying that he wants to make a game where those who want to enjoy the game will be able to enjoy the game, instead of making a game that he thinks will sell. The excerpt reads as follows:

“Jedna stvar koju je doista natjerao da shvati s TSA je da je stvarno važno slušati što fanovi žele. Opet, ne samo kako bi to bila igra koja će se prodavati, već kako bi napravili igru ​​u kojoj će ljudi za koje želite da uživaju moći uživati ​​u njoj.”

Moreover, Goichi may know what he wants to make and how to deliver it to fans, but he doesn’t want to make Nema više heroja 3 a game that fans expect, according to the interpreter:

“On očito ima vlastitu viziju o tome kakva će igra biti, kakva želi da bude, i kada kaže da želi napraviti igru ​​za fanove, on ne želi samo napraviti igru ​​koja oni očekuju.”

Although Goichi wants to make No More Heroes 3 something that fans are expecting he also wants to go above and beyond by putting in stuff that fans wouldn’t even expect:

“Igra koju on želi napraviti je igra kakvu navijači očekuju i kakvu navijači žele. On ne želi samo […] odgovoriti na te želje i zahtjeve. Želi ići iznad i dalje od toga i [baciti se na posao] ubaciti sranja koja oni žele vidjeti – dati im sva ta dodatna sranja za koja vjerojatno ni ne znaju što su htjeli ili ne bi ni očekivali. ”

Uz to, rekao je, Nema više heroja 3 is slated to touch down exclusively for the Switch sometime in 2020 — as revealed in the extended trailer:

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