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1516770provjera kolačićaGreen Man Gaming Survey bavi se politikom kako bi otkrio što je igračima važno
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Green Man Gaming Survey bavi se politikom kako bi otkrio što je igračima važno

A gamer shared part of a user survey for August, 2018 from Green Man Gaming, which asks gamers what sort of politics they think is important. Yes, question 44 on the survey from GMG asked about politics, shortly after being involved in a social media scandal involving one of their staff making things political in the gaming community.

The survey screenshot was shared on a thread on Kotaku u akciji. You can check out the image below.


The survey is still live over on the Survey Monkey page.

The question starts with an apology, stating…

“Apologies for asking the question – our intention is not to interfere with your games by throwing politics all over the place. Rather, we work with a number of different causes and wanted an understanding of which you find most important.”

The poll then proceeds to list a number of organizations to support, including:

  • Medicinska istraživanja
  • International human rights
  • Helping gamers with disabilities
  • Ravnopravnost spolova
  • Zaštita okoliša
  • Plastics in the ocean
  • Smanjenje katastrofa
  • Suzbijanje siromaštva
  • Dobrobit životinja
  • Klimatske promjene
  • Mentalno zdravlje

Not everyone took kindly to the inclusion of this question, mainly because Green Man Gaming is still in the dog house after one of the social media managers sided with a journalist from VG 24/7 by berating and throwing gamers under the bus.

Essentially, some gamers feel as if Green Man Gaming shouldn’t be dabbling in politics so soon after one of their employees was caught publicly berating gamers. Green Man Gaming did note that the statements from the employee were addressed internally and stated that they “love games” and the “people who love games”.

Others weren’t bothered by the survey because it was addressed in the survey itself that Green Man Gaming teams up with organizations for charity purposes and wanted to know the kind of organizations that gamers felt GMG should team up with.

(Zahvaljujemo na otkriću vijesti)

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